
LIp Augmentation and Reduction

Do you have small or big lip?  and you want to make your lip looks perfect.  
Don’t worry, We have the solution.
lip augmentation is a technique to make your lip perfect. And Slimfit Clinic is one of the best clinic to provide lip augmentation and reduction treatment in Siliguri. 

Before After

What Is LIp Augmentation and Reduction?

Lip correction is a quick, in-office procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation. You can go home on the same day of your surgery & resume the normal activities right away

Lip augmentation and reduction Expected result

Lip enhancement procedures by any method provide immediate results. The result of artificial fillers should last for up to six months to one year (depending upon the filler being used) after which time you may need a top-up to maintain the volume. If you choose not to repeat the treatment, your appearance will return to its original condition. But the result of Fat injection or Dermis will be lifelong.

Where Laser treatment can be done

  • Removes excess tissue (or substances) that cause lip deformity
  • Enhances facial harmony by balancing the upper and lower lips
  • Typically requires only a local anesthesia agent
  • Is an outpatient procedure that is commonly performed in less than an hour
  • Only one treatment is necessary for most patients to achieve permanent results
  • Very little downtime after the procedure
  • No visible scarring 

Lip augmentation and reduction PROCEDURE

Tissue grafting: This technique of lip augmentation involves using a tissue extracted from the donor site and grafting it into the lips or the recipient site. Once the desired expectations are achieved, the incision made inside the buccal cavity is closed using dissolvable sutures. The minimal scarring caused due to this procedure is not visible from the outside. Lip augmentation results in plump, full and symmetrical lips.

Fat grafting: Fat grafting is a method of lip augmentation that transfers fat into the lips to achieve plumper and fuller lips. Initially, fat is extracted via liposuction from the donor site. The extracted fat is then processed and deposited into the lips to achieve desired results. The fat is grafted into the lip using syringes and no incisions are made. This procedure has a downtime of 1 to 5 days depending on the amount of liposuction. Lip augmentation results in plump, full and symmetrical lips.

Implants: This method of lip augmentation is rarer as it includes placing an implant inside the lips. The Lip implants used can be either silicone or saline and are placed via an incision made in the buccal cavity. Once the desired expectations are achieved, the incision made is closed using dissolvable sutures that are placed inside the mouth. The minimal scarring caused due to this procedure is not visible from the outside. Lip augmentation results in plump, full and symmetrical lips.

Book Your Lip treatment consultation