
Tummy Tuck Treatment

During a tummy tuck excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen. Connective tissue in the abdomen (fascia) usually is tightened with sutures as well. And Slimfit Clinic is one of the best clinic to provide tummy tuck  treatment in Siliguri. 

Before After

What Is Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the abdomen.
During a tummy tuck — also known as abdominoplasty — excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen. Connective tissue in the abdomen (fascia) usually is tightened with sutures as well. The remaining skin is then repositioned to create a more toned look.

You might choose to have a tummy tuck if you have excess fat or skin around the area of your bellybutton or a weak lower abdominal wall. A tummy tuck can also boost your body image.

Who Are the Best Candidates For a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is suitable for men and women who are in good health.
Women who have had several pregnancies may find the procedure useful for tightening their abdominal muscles and reducing skin.
A tummy tuck is also an option for men or women who were once obese and still have excess fat deposits or loose skin around the belly.

What you can expect

A tummy tuck is done in a hospital or an outpatient surgical facility. During a tummy tuck, you’ll be under general anesthesia — which makes you completely unconscious and unable to feel pain. In some cases, you might be given a pain-relieving medication and be moderately sedated (partially asleep).

Tummy Tuck treatment PROCEDURE

Tummy tuck involves the removal of excess fat and skin from the patient’s abdomen. Using the state-of-the-art liposuction technology at Slimfit Clinic, we remove excess fat. Then the excess skin is measured, removed and sutured back so that it is tucked away. The measuring is done by pulling down the excess skin from the upper abdomen over the newly flat muscle structure. 

This procedure has excellent results that are long-lasting and look very natural. Therefore, they are very desirable, especially in people who would like to see immediate differences in body type. It can also correct the divarication of recti muscles, which is one of the side effects of multiple pregnancies.

Book Your tummy tuck treatment consultation