
Abdominoplasty Treatment

you’ve got too much flab or excess skin in your abdomen that doesn’t respond to diet or exercise, you may be considering a “tummy tuck,” which doctors call “abdominoplasty.” And Slimfit Clinic is one of the best clinic to provide abdominoplasty  treatment in Siliguri. 

Before After

What Is Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty  is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to make the abdomen thinner and more firm. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the middle and lower abdomen in order to tighten the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall. This type of surgery is usually sought by patients with loose or sagging tissues after pregnancy or major weight loss.

Who are the best candidates for an abdominoplasty ?

A tummy tuck shouldn’t be confused with a liposuction (the cosmetic surgery used to remove fat deposits), although your surgeon may choose to perform liposuction as part of a tummy tuck. Women who have muscles and skin stretched after several pregnancies may find the procedure useful to tighten those muscles and reduce that skin

Expected Result

Generally, most people love the new look after they’ve undergone this procedure. However, you may not feel like your normal self for months after the surgery. You’ve gone through a tremendous amount to make this happen.

Abdominoplasty Treatment PROCEDURE

You will receive general anesthesia, which will put you to sleep during the operation. It’s important to have someone with you who can drive you home. If you live alone and you’re sent home after the procedure, you also will need someone to stay with you at least the first night after the surgery.

  • Complete abdominoplasty This option is for patients who need the most correction. The incision (cut) is made at the bikini line, at about the same level as your pubic hair. The length of the scar depends on the amount of extra skin. Your surgeon will then manipulate and shape the skin and muscle as needed. You will also have an incision around your navel (belly button) with this procedure, because it’s necessary to free your navel from surrounding tissue. Drainage tubes may or may not be placed under your skin. These will be removed in a few days as your surgeon sees fit.

  • Partial or mini-abdominoplasty Mini-abdominoplasties are done with shorter incisions and are often performed on people who have less excess skin. Your belly button most likely won’t be moved during this type of procedure. Your skin will be separated between the line of incision and your belly button. This procedure generally takes one to two hours. As with the complete abdominoplasty, you may or may not have drainage tubes after surgery.

  • Circumferential abdominoplasty This surgery includes the back area. When there is a lot of excess fat in the back as well as the abdomen, you may have either liposuction of the back or circumferential abdominoplasty. The latter procedure allows for the removal of both skin and fat from the hip and back areas, which improves the shape of your body from all sides.

Book Your abdominoplasty consultation